〒210-0851 1F Akatsuki Bldg., 1-9-14 Hamacho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Take a Rinko Bus for Daishi or Mitsui-Futo and get off at Yotsukado Bus Stop. The center is 5 minutes walk away.
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Paying National Pension Premiums in one advance payment
There are three ways of paying national pension premiums in one advance payment (for the next 2 years, 1 year and 6 months).
Paying for the next 2 years in one advance payment gets a discount of about 14,000 yen.
Please sign up in advance for this type of payment by the end of February. You can pay by account transfer, credit card, electronic payment, or cash.
Ask for details. Inquiries:
Hoken Nenkin-ka, Ward Office
Hoken Nenkin-kakari, Kumin Center, Daishi Branch
Hoken Nenkin-kakari, Kumin Center, Tajima Branch
First anniversary of Kawasaki Station North Exit
Some events will be held to commemorate the first anniversary of the opening of the North Exit and North Exit hallway of JR Kawasaki Station
Date&Time: Sunday, Febraury 17, 10:00am-4:00pm
Place: North Exit Hallway, "Komorebi Terrace"
Deadline for Tax Payment
The deadline of the fourth payment for property taxes and city planning taxes is February 28. Please pay at the bank or at a convenience store.
For more information:
Kawasaki Shizei Jimusho Shisanzei ka, Shizei Bunshitsu Shisanzei-ka