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多言語生活情報 in かわさき
Useful Information for Daily Life

Multiculture Center Kawasaki
〒210-0851 1F Akatsuki Bldg., 1-9-14 Hamacho, Kawasaki Ward, Kawasaki City, Kanagawa Prefecture
Take a Rinko Bus for Daishi or Mitsui-Futo and get off at Yotsukado Bus Stop. The center is 5 minutes walk away.
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Immigration Office Electronic Application and Notification System began on June 24, 20132013-08-03
By using this service, you can register on the Internet from your home and office. You don’t need to go to a regional immigration bureau.
You can also still submit or mail documents as well.

○Merits of the electronic system:

・Can register on the Internet from your home and office.

・No application fee is required.

・Available 24 hours a day, 365 days a year.

・The completed form will be checked automatically for any mistakes.

For more information
Preventive measures for avoiding heat stroke2013-08-01
1 Wear loose and cool clothing.

2 Stay hydrated and take supplemental salt frequently.

3 Check the room temperature frequently and set the temperature to 28℃.

4 Do not exercise in the hot sun. (Don’t do too much and take adequate rest).
Emergency, accident and disaster information for foreigners2012-09-16
Emergency contact numbers are accessible from your home phone (land line), public phone, mobile phone, and PHS:

① Incident, accident!
To report to the police: call 110 (Hyaku toh ban)
To consult with the police: call #9110

② Fire, emergency, rescue!
To report to the fire department: call 119 (Hyaku juukyu ban)

③ Accident at sea!
To report to the Japan Coast Guard: call 118
This is the number to contact in case you have or see an accident at sea, find oil spill or a suspicious vessel, or get information of illegal migration or smuggling.

④ Disaster
Emergency messaging service: call 171
With this service you can leave a message confirming your safety when phones are inaccessible due to a disaster, such as earthquake, volcanic eruption, etc.
Useful Link Information
Guide to Kawasaki Ward Office
Fureai Kan
To Hospital and Clinic Search (Kawasaki City) page
Be prepared-Kawasaki
To Consultation Desk for Foreign Residents of Kawasaki City pags
Useful Information for daily life
◎Kawasaki Ward Child-Raising Guide Book "SANPOMICHI" published in foreign languages[551]
Free medical checkup and counseling[523]
Information from Kawasaki City National Health Insurance Office ②[520]
Information from Kawasaki National Health Insurance office ①[519]
Let’s enjoy learning Japanese![518]
Counseling program for foreigners[515]
Consumption tax will be 8%[513]
Immigration Office Electronic Application and Notification System began on June 24, 2013[439]
Latest Info from InterCom
Mail Magazine Intercom Kawasakiku will end [1148]
Collection days for waste and recyclables will change in April [1147]
Let’s enjoy learning Japanese! [1146]
Hoken Fukushi Center (Health & Social Welfare Center) system will change [1145]
Free ticket offer for heated indoor pool and training room [1144]
New distribution method of application form for financial assistance for education [1143]
Service counter special open hours [1141]
Between Higashi-monzen Station-Kojimashinden Station, Kawasaki Daishi Line is underground as of March 3 [1135]
Application for Waku Waku Plaza [1133]
Job Fair for International Students [1132]
Subsidies for sterilization for cats (second term) [1131]
Paying National Pension Premiums in one advance payment [1130]
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